24 Hour Diabetes Helpline

Life Saving, Cost Saving and Time Saving

We provide information, advice and support with diabetes consultants, so people with diabetes can manage their condition effectively. Currently our services are only available for the registered patients of BIDE

Our services

24 Hours Diabetes Helpline is the only dedicated diabetes helpline in the Pakistan which is supporting for their registered patients by the trained and qualified diabetes educators

Our 24-Hour dadcated station based Helpline team is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our helpline service aids thousands of registered diabetes patients to manage their insulin and diet in normal and emergency conditions.

Ways of Registartion

This service is only available for registered patients of BIDE thats why, Patients Code/MR# or Mobile number is compulsory


Deposit online

Rs. 300/year

Accout Title Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology

Account Number 20000277445

Soneri Bank Limited

Gole Market Branch 0039

IBAN# PK63SONE0003920000277445


In Person

Visit to BIDE

Rs. 300/year

Any patient or relative of patient visiting the hospital for the purpose of registration in 24hrs helpline, should contact reception


To Send Money

Rs. 300/year

CNIC# 42111-1111111-5

Mobile# 03333333333

Please keep the Transaction ID till geting message from BIDE

Both the Sender and Receiver will receive confirmation SMS containing their respective information. (Tem

In case of Bank deposit or easypaisa, please update your details including transation id, date of transation, Patient code\MR# and Cell number on 03343330909

Our Associates

we' ve built a long standing relationship based on trust

BMU BaqaiFoundation IML SLIP