
Success is in knowledge

224 Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with metabolic diseases

Journal: Nature metabolism. 2021 Feb 25:1-4.

Authors: Francesco Rubino , Barbara Ludwig , Hannes Rietzsch , Peter Schwarz , Roman Rodionov , Kamlesh Khunti , David Hopkins , Andreas Birkenfeld , Bernhard Boehm , Stephanie Amiel , Richard Holt , Jay Skyler , Hans DeVries , Eric Renard , Robert Eckel , Paul Zimmet , George Alberti , Bruno Geloneze , Juliana Chan , Jean Mbanya , Henry Onyegbutulem , Ambady Ramachandran , Abdul Basit , Mohamed Hassenein , Giatgen Spinas , Felix Beuschlein , Geltrude Mingronei

222 Ramadan fasting in people with type 1 diabetes during COVID-19 pandemic: The DaR Global survey

Journal: Diabetes research and clinical practice. 2021 Feb;172:108626.

Authors: Mohamed Hassanein, Reem M. Alamoudi, Majd-Aldeen Kallash, Naji J. Aljohani, Eman M. Alfadhli, Lobna El Tony, Ghofran S. Khogeer, Abdulaziz F. Alfadhly, Ahmed ElMamoon Khater, Muhammad Yakoob Ahmedani, Mehmet Akif Buyukbese, Inass Shaltoutl, Jamal Belkhadir, Khadija Hafidh, Tahseen A. Chowdhury, Zanariah Hussein, Nancy Samir Elbarbary

221 The DAR 2020 Global survey: Ramadan fasting during COVID 19 pandemic and the impact of older age on fasting among adults with Type 2 diabetes

Journal: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2021 Jan 23.

Authors: Mohamed Hassanein, Zanariah Hussein, Inass Shaltout, Wan Juani Wan Seman, Tong Chin Voon, Nurain Mohd Noor, Mehmet Akif Buyukbese, Lobna El Tony, Gamal Mohamed Shaker, Reem M. Alamoudi, Khadija Hafidh, M. Fariduddin, Mohammed A. Batais, Shehla Shaikh, Pr Rachid Malek, Majid Alabbood, Rakesh Sahay, Abdulwadod M. Alshenqete, Muhammad Yakoob Ahmedani

Showing 1 to 9 of 221 Publications

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