Diabetic Foot Clinic

Prevent Amputations

Foot care is an especially important part of care for people with diabetes. Some of the effects of the disease increase the risk of foot problems and also increase the likelihood of complications. But proper diabetic foot care and attention can prevent most serious foot complications.

The Diabetic foot clinic is a specialised clinic for treatment of foot problems in patient with diabetes. It draws on the expertise of a team of people with skills and knowledge in managing these problems. Access to vascular investigations and special devices for pressure relief, advice on foot care and prevention of ulcers are some of the ways we can help keep your feet healthy as well as achieve healing of chronic ulcers.


The main purpose of the diabetic foot clinic is to provide comprehensive foot care for all diabetic patients it also includes the management of foot ulcers, identifying patients at risk and the prevention of common foot disorders.

Footwear for Every Diabetic

Utilising footwear as the major preventive tool, department of footware provides standardised, low-cost and durable footwear to all people with diabetes with the aim to prevent foot ulcers and amputations. Our Footware department provides training of trainers (ToTs) of foot care assistants and cobblers from the main foot care facility by a team of senior experts of BIDE, including an international footwear trainer and specialist.

Project Details

Did You Know?

Around 27.4 million people among the adult population of Pakistan have diabetes. The amputation rate in Pakistan is reported to be high ranging from 26.0%9 to 48.0%


Pakistanis have developed diabetes in the past year

30 Sec

Every 30 seconds a lower limb is lost somewhere in the world


of diabetes-related amputations are preventable with best practice treatment

Our Associates

we' ve built a long standing relationship based on trust

BMU BaqaiFoundation IML SLIP